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Edward "Ed" Ruscha
Some Los Angeles apartments, 1965.
€ 1.000 Ergebnis:
€ 1.625 (inkl. Käuferaufgeld)
Edward Ruscha
Some Los Angeles apartments. Los Angeles, Anderson u. a. 1965.
Seltene erste Ausgabe des dritten Buches von Ed Ruscha, das 34 Appartementgebäude in Los Angeles und Umgebung zeigt. Erschienen in nur 700 Exemplaren.
"The most renown series of artist's books in the history of the genre. Ed Ruscha's works still retain their capacity to surprise, delight and puzzle in equal measure. In the several decades since they were published, they have been much exhibited, written about and analysed, yet they somehow are still objects of mystery and fascination, beguiling in their utter simplicity and immutable rightness" (Parr/B.)
EINBAND: Orig.-Broschur mit Deckel- und Rückentitel. 18 : 14 cm. - ILLUSTRATION: Mit 34 meist ganzseitigen Abbildungen nach Fotografien von Ed Ruscha. - ZUSTAND: Sauberes Exemplar mit Pergamin-Umschlag.
LITERATUR: Engberg/Phillpot B3. - Parr/Badger II, 141. - The Open Book S. 198.
One of Ruschas rarer works. First edition, 1 of 700 copies. With 34 mostly fullpage photographs. Orig. wrappers with green title on spine and front cover and glasine dust jacket. Fine copy.(R)
Some Los Angeles apartments. Los Angeles, Anderson u. a. 1965.
Seltene erste Ausgabe des dritten Buches von Ed Ruscha, das 34 Appartementgebäude in Los Angeles und Umgebung zeigt. Erschienen in nur 700 Exemplaren.
"The most renown series of artist's books in the history of the genre. Ed Ruscha's works still retain their capacity to surprise, delight and puzzle in equal measure. In the several decades since they were published, they have been much exhibited, written about and analysed, yet they somehow are still objects of mystery and fascination, beguiling in their utter simplicity and immutable rightness" (Parr/B.)
EINBAND: Orig.-Broschur mit Deckel- und Rückentitel. 18 : 14 cm. - ILLUSTRATION: Mit 34 meist ganzseitigen Abbildungen nach Fotografien von Ed Ruscha. - ZUSTAND: Sauberes Exemplar mit Pergamin-Umschlag.
LITERATUR: Engberg/Phillpot B3. - Parr/Badger II, 141. - The Open Book S. 198.
One of Ruschas rarer works. First edition, 1 of 700 copies. With 34 mostly fullpage photographs. Orig. wrappers with green title on spine and front cover and glasine dust jacket. Fine copy.(R)
Edward "Ed" Ruscha
Some Los Angeles apartments, 1965.
€ 1.000 Ergebnis:
€ 1.625 (inkl. Käuferaufgeld)

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